What time is it? Time for a hashcapade, of course. It’s also time to impart some wisdom on potato hash outings, which is: have a back-up plan. I had originally planned on Screen Door with the girls, but by the time Noon rolled around and the girls still asleep (teen comas), off I went. So, 20 minutes later, there is a huge line at Screen Door, which sent me into a panic – where to go next? Fortunately, I have a handy-dandy hash list on Google Docs (shameless product placement) and chose Fuller’s Coffee Shop on 9th and Davis. Conveniently located on the way home, I had a hunch that the efficient 50s style urban diner would be just the ticket for a quick, old-school meal.
As soon as I stepped into the shop, the reverse dual U-shaped counters, friendly diners chatting and leftover newspapers made me feel instantly at home. The owner (must introduce myself next time) was holding court at the cash register and around the counter, cleaning here, pointing at a spot there. I plopped down on a polished chrome stool with a cushioned seat and ordered a classic corned beef hash with coffee and wheat toast.
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