Interested in more details about Hashcapades: The Art of the Perfect Hash Adventure? Take a tour of my book from the comfort of your own home (popcorn not included)!
The Cover
My friend and talented photographer, Jackie Donnelly Baisa, and I had an epic photo session. Her shot of the Apple Pork and Romesco Sauce Hash is simply stunning! Constructed from a quality laminated, casebound hardcover, you’ll be able to bequeath this sturdy gem to future generations.
Table of Contents
Yes, I truly have over 30 amazing hash recipes that will hopefully ignite your passion for this versatile dish with multiple personalities.
Quick Start Guide
Not sure where to start or which recipe to choose? Relax – I’ve created a not-so-secret decoder ring to let you know how long it takes to make hash and included initial recommendations.
Recipes with Pictures
All my friends tell me that they love photos to accompany each recipe. Photos let them find a hash that looks tasty and help them plate it like an expert – voilà!
Hash Trivia
Finally, I’ve included a fun, tongue-in-cheek collection of hash trivia. Here’s a sample of all its different manifestations on Google search results:
Google Search Results with “Hash”: 93.6M (as of May 30, 2012).
Interestingly enough, hash security yields ≈ 67,600,000 hits; hash food yields ≈ 57,900,000; hash drug yields ≈ 9,010,000; hash running yields ≈ 39,100,000 and hash keyboard yields ≈ 15,500,000. I’m from Oregon, so here’s a shout out to the Oregon Hash House Harriers! And to security geeks, eat more hash!
Think Outside the Can
Now is the time to take charge and order Hashcapades: The Art of the Perfect Hash Adventure – click here! Or, watch my video, Think Outside the Can, for more tantalizing reasons to buy my book. Or, download a Hashcapades Mini Sample, a 14-page excerpt from my book.
Happy Hashcapades,
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