! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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BBQ Steak Hash Panini

When you’re on a roll, when momentum is with you, don’t stop. Don’t even look back.Go! I’m talking leftover steak and potatoes. I’m talking crisp como bread and a panini grill. I’m talking about the ultimate potato hash adventure – BBQ Steak Hash Panini!

BBQ Steak & Rosemary Potato Hash Panini

My observant readers will recall the transformation of smoked salmon hash into a panini. And so it was the following day as I peered into my refrigerator that the truth became clear…there is no spoon, er, there is no food. But then I spied the previous evening’s leftovers – grilled New York steak and rosemary garlic potatoes. Could I be so lucky?

Ingredients for BBQ Steak Hash

Within seconds, 2 strips of cooked bacon, 2 green onions, Stubb’s BBQ Sauce (this is like liquid gold) and Boar’s Head Three Pepper Cheese joined the steak and potatoes on my counter.

Mixing the hash together.
All mixed up with the BBQ sauce!

I hashed up all the ingredients in a bowl, added about 1/3 cup of BBQ sauce, a pinch of salt and pepper – simple!

Place the hash on sliced Como.

Next, I simply spread a generous amount on two slices of fresh como bread and arranged the cheese slices on top.

Adding the heat - Three Pepper Cheese.

After 5-7 minutes on my panini grill, set to medium, dinner was done!

Another successful hashcapade!

I attacked the panini with gusto – crunchy bread, spicy cheese, tangy BBQ sauce, fork-tender steak and delicious potatoes created a taste tsunami in my mouth. I was quickly inundated with a flavor bomb that kept on giving with each and every bite – delicious!

Happy Hashcapades,


2 Responses to “BBQ Steak Hash Panini”

    • Clark Haass

      I believe I actually had an Abacela Tempranillo hanging around and washed it down with that – splendid!

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