! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Corned Beef Hash at Veritable Quandary in Portland

Every endeavor deserves an icon, a patron saint, an inspiration or a muse. In my case, I found “Veronique”, goddess of hashcapades and eye-catching siren of hash. Where might one find such a creature worthy of potato hash, or in this case, Corned Beef Hash on Saint Patrick’s Day Eve? Veritable Quandary, of course!

VQ Maiden

As we entered VQ through curtains, Veronique’s inviting countenance and open arms greeted us warmly in a French accent, “Welcome, Clahhrrrk. Zee hash eez waiting!” Enthralled, I clumsily stumbled along the path to our table located in a glass-enclosed backroom. Sunlight streamed in on this gorgeous morning, illuminating our cozy table, a sign of good fortune bestowed upon me by my muse.

Veritable Quandary

As we waited for hungry hashcapade peeps to arrive, Jody recommended the VQ-8, an ingenious take on a Bloody Mary. Made with beet-infused vodka, VQ-8 has a deep, serious red color  that invited me to contemplate the meaning of life as I snacked on the sublime garnish. Seriously, one of the best Bloody Mary’s I’ve had the pleasure of drinking (or eating)!

VQ Collage

Brunch was an impressive array of VQ classics plus our custom hash. Clockwise from upper left – Corned Beef Hash, Catfish Benedict, VQ Benedict, French Toast and VQ Chilaquiles. One the eve of St. Patricks’s Day, I had high expectations of the Corned Beef Hash. I missed that the eggs were fried, but Veronique had anticipated my dilemma and, as if by magic, two poached eggs appeared! VQ’s rendition treatment was spot on – chunky potatoes, onion, green & red pepper and corned beef – and I tucked into my CBH with wild abandon.

VQ Peeps

Thanks to my hashcateers: (pictured) Cory, Mary, Suzanne, Barry, Kristin (plus) Janel, Dana, Tony, Ryan, David, and Blake; special thanks to VQ GM Jason Gerlt, Erin and our fabulous waitress, Jody, for a cozy & memorable hashcapade…slàinte!

Happy Hashcapades,

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