Hashcapades.com is thrilled to be a part of Paul Gerald’s third edition of Breakfast in Bridgetown: The Definitive Guide to Portland’s Favorite Meal! Ever since I met Paul, we have shared infamous hashcapades and he has generously given me advice as I began my quest to bring the humble plate that is hash to the masses in the form of a cookbook.
And now, supporters of Paul’s IndieGoGo campaign to help launch his 3rd edition will also get a FREE copy of my cookbook, Hashcapades: The Art of the Perfect Hash Adventure. BAM! And, folks who receive Paul’s 3rd edition will have their very own guide to the Top 10 Hashes in Portland inside his book plus an insider’s view to my exclusive Hash Finder, the world’s only search tool for hash at restaurants around the world!
So you see, Paul and I are stark raving mad about brunch (and hash) in Portland and want to share our expertise. Use the coupon code hash on Pauls site here to get $5 discount on his new edition or use hash on my site here to get 50% discount of my book. Who’s hungry?
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