PLAY. “Custom hash menu for you, sir?” inquired Heather. “Pinch me, ’cause I’ve died and gone to heaven!” I shouted as I danced on the table and knocked a glass over. “Sweetie, you’re scaring the customers,” Heather cautioned as she skillfully guided me to my chair. “Now, you all aren’t gonna be any trouble, are […]
beef hash
Think Outside the Can Video
What do most people think about when they think about potato hash? Corned beef hash. But hash is so much more than that! Following my post on the topic, I collaborated with the talented Nitya Wakhlu of Nitya Wakhlu Innovations, LLC and Karl Lind of In The Can, LLC to produce “Think Outside the Can“. Special […]
BBQ Steak Hash Panini
When you’re on a roll, when momentum is with you, don’t stop. Don’t even look back.Go! I’m talking leftover steak and potatoes. I’m talking crisp como bread and a panini grill. I’m talking about the ultimate potato hash adventure – BBQ Steak Hash Panini!
Hash – Think Outside the Can
What do most people think about when then think about hash? A can. A can of corned beef hash. But hash is so much more than that. It comes in different styles and names from all over the world. Pitt y pana in Sweden, biksemad in Denmark, Gröstel in Austria, picadillo in Mexico, stovies in […]
Beef Tenderloin Hash Pot Pie
I love pot pies! My Mom would bake up a batch and surprise us after a long day of sledding in the frigid Wyoming winters of yore. And so it was during my last hashcapade at Cafe Nell that the idea for this post was born. I was discussing what to do with leftover potato hash […]