50 Cities 50 Hashes: Colene Chow at Heirloom Restaurant in Vancouver, BC! When people think of Vancouver, they think of snow-capped mountains, beautiful nature, towering trees — a city where you can ski and hit the beach on the same day. Basically a healthy metropolis. So when tasked with planning a Hashcapade, I did a […]
squash hash
Thai Yellow Curry Butternut Squash Sweet Potato Hash
A friend of mine (we’ll call him Jeff) quietly confessed his secret. “I dabble in Thai food,” he practically whispered. Jeff must have known he could confide in me. After all, he had reviewed my Chicken Curry & Potatoes with Mustard Seed Hash. So, I quickly reciprocated and confessed, “I’m, uh, thinking of doing a […]
List of Chez Clark Hashcapades: Potato Hash Recipes
For the uninitiated, Chez Clark is the fancy name for my little kitchen where occasional magic occurs. Mayhem is even more likely, especially when scaling up to feed hungry hordes – e.g. Bacon Takedown! I’ve tried to organize by main meat ingredient and I’ve started a veggie section at the end. As with my List of […]