! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Duck Hash at Trader Vic’s

Light the tiki torches and head on down to Trader Vic’s for brunch! That’s exactly what we did on a rainy Sunday morning…well, sans torches. (We didn’t want to scare the other patrons.) Known for fabulous tropical libations, Trader Vic’s is now known by this hash aficionado for their tasty Confit Duck Hash and a truly […]


Chorizo Hash at Blue Pig Cafe

Hash Chapstick®. Say what? Is this a Napoleon Dynamite hashcapade? No, it’s the caffeine-fueled musings of my posse during a recent hash extravaganza at Blue Pig Cafe. You see, we were continuing our brainstorming session for new ways to re-purpose potato hash. Unfortunately, we crossed over into a surreal culinary experiment gone wrong. Fortunately, it […]


Farmer’s Bacon Hash at Besaw’s in Portland

I’m honored to introduce Mary Rarick, one of my dear friends and the person who introduced me to Twitter! In her “nano-bio” Mary describes herself as “a Twitterholic and foodie who abides in the ‘burbs’ with her family. She can be found hawking books at SMObooks.com or cultivating social media conversations at BcauseMedia.com.” I just […]


Pork Confit Hash at Cocotte in Portland

When I first saw the name of this restaurant, my mind scrambled it and the word, coquette, came to mind – suggestive, eyelash-batting flirting. But no, it’s cocotte, which is French for (among other things) an individual casserole baking dish. Personally, the flirting is more apt because their libations and pork confit hash were flirting with […]


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