How could your curiosity not get the best of you – Wild Abandon? Hashcapade? I will say it involved naked people and famous people, but not naked famous people! Wild Abandon on SE Belmont is actually the setting for this morning’s hashcapade with my son below, flanked on either side by arborvitae sentinels. Even from the outside, you can tell this is an eclectic, funky place. I fully expected to see Rick James inside…
On to the naked people. In the book, Breakfast in Bridgetown, Paul Gerald aptly describes the mural below as “either Greek bacchanalia or Druid ritual.” I actually believe it’s alarmingly similar to my dream the other night where I was the ancient version of the Old Spice Guy being chased my nymphs. In any case, the vibe was infectious as music from Stevie Wonder, Sir Duke, serenaded us as we waited expectantly for our breakfast.
Wild Abandon offers a spectacular Pulled Pork Hash, a gastronomic enigma that was high on my list to try. The picture below (darn grey skies!) doesn’t do justice to the dish – juicy pulled pork, fresh spinach, stone-ground mustard, caramelized onion, and baked potatoes avec skin in a creamy, gravy-like sauce.
All in all, my Pulled Pork Hash was very tasty and ample enough to require a box to take the rest of the deliciousness home. Sadly, my kitchen lacks the atmosphere of Wild Abandon, but the iconoclastic setting, Bacchnalia mural and friendly wait staff will be fondly remembered as I savor the spoils of yet another hashcapade!
Happy Hashcapades,
Are you the third Cohen brother? ("Eat After Reading")
Actually, I'm Osbourne Cox, who are you?