! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Emeril’s Roast Beef Hash with Poached Egg and Wild Mushroom Sauce

BAM! No other introduction comes close to describing this hashcapade, courtesy of Emeril Lagasse. This masterpiece is a big, bold roast beef hash edifice from The Big Easy. So let’s kick it up a notch and get this blog started! Roast Beef Hash with Poached Egg and Wild Mushroom Sauce on Garlic French Bread


Smoked Sturgeon Hash at Ned Ludd in Portland

I’m delighted to introduce Matt Devincenzi, one of my twitter friends (@mattdev) and hashcapade converts. With the promise of blog celebrity, he eagerly agreed to write a guest post! Matt is an intern at Yelp and a freelance photographer. Oh, and he’s very involved in the beer community as a brewer and drinker. I share Matt’s […]


Basil Chicken Hash: Humpday Hashcapade

Wednesday. Humpday. Staring down an empty stomach and a pledge to friends that I’d create a hashcapade at their casa. Thankfully, I’m resourceful and consult my List of Celebrity Chef Potato Hashes! Hmmmm, Ina Garten’s Basil Chicken Hash catches my eye, but so does Cat Cora’s Balsamic-Glazed Duck Breast Hash. After a quick consultation with […]


Thai Yellow Curry Butternut Squash Sweet Potato Hash

A friend of mine (we’ll call him Jeff) quietly confessed his secret. “I dabble in Thai food,” he practically whispered. Jeff must have known he could confide in me. After all, he had reviewed my Chicken Curry & Potatoes with Mustard Seed Hash. So, I quickly reciprocated and confessed, “I’m, uh, thinking of doing a […]


Short Rib and Sweet-Potato-Apple Hash at Mission Beach Cafe in San Francisco

A hashcapade – my nearly religious and, at times, quixotic mission to sample and create potato hash – is always an adventure. Getting recommendations (thanks, Sabrina – @thetomatotart), coordinating schedules, and getting there take on a sense of urgency and expectation. Will there be a line? Will it be good? Are the proprietors cool? And […]


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