! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Corned Beef Hash at Lowell’s in Seattle

Iconic. That’s how I’d describe Pike Place Market. Incomparable. That’s how I’d describe a warm sunny day on the Puget Sound. Hashcapade. That’s how I’d want to start the perfect day in Seattle, besides, of course, a decent cup of joe! As luck would have it, I experienced both. Read on, intrepid follower! A sign […]


Wolfgang Puck’s Vaca Frita Beef Hash

Holy Frijoles! You’d think following a recipe for a change would let you coast on auto pilot. You’d day-dream about sun (it’s officially summer in Portland) and listen to The Tallest Man on Earth. But nein! Wolfgang Puck is a taskmaster if his potato hash recipe is any measure of the Mensch! Vaca Frita with a […]


List of Celebrity Chef Potato Hashes

Ever wonder which celebrity chefs make potato hash? Here’s the start of yet another list you can feast on forever! If you see your favorite chef’s missing, please help me by leaving a comment so I can “Google” him or her! Happy Hashcapades, Clark Alton Brown Corned Beef Hash Turkey Re-Hash Michael Chiarello Potato Hash with Baked […]


Beef Brisket Hash at Podnah’s Pit in Portland

An old-school salt shaker spattered with BBQ sauce, a Bloody Mary not quite finished, rings of water from condensation on the table, and honey in a squirt bottle tipped over. Surveying the aftermath of what surely was mayhem on an epic scale, I wondered incredulously, “What the hell happened here?!” Post-Hashcapade Scene at Podnah’s Pit


List of Potato Hash Articles

Starting with the article that inspired me to start Hashcapades, The Humble Plate of Hash Has Nobler Ambitions, here is a list of on-line articles about potato hash. I’m hoping to curate more articles from around the globe. If you have favorite potato hash articles or recipes, please leave a comment with the link – […]


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