! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Hash – Think Outside the Can

What do most people think about when then think about hash? A can. A can of corned beef hash. But hash is so much more than that. It comes in different styles and names from all over the world. Pitt y pana in Sweden, biksemad in Denmark, Gröstel in Austria, picadillo in Mexico, stovies in Scotland and hachis in France, to name a few. So, get ready to re-acquaint yourself with an amazingly diverse and versatile dish and Think Outside the Can!

Hormel's ubiquitous Corned Beef Hash

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Chorizo Hash at Blue Pig Cafe

Hash Chapstick®. Say what? Is this a Napoleon Dynamite hashcapade? No, it’s the caffeine-fueled musings of my posse during a recent hash extravaganza at Blue Pig Cafe. You see, we were continuing our brainstorming session for new ways to re-purpose potato hash. Unfortunately, we crossed over into a surreal culinary experiment gone wrong. Fortunately, it was just a thought experiment – no harm, no foul! But I digress.

Blue Pig Cafe on SE Hawthorne & SE 20th

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Beef Tenderloin Hash Pot Pie

I love pot pies! My Mom would bake up a batch and surprise us after a long day of sledding in the frigid Wyoming winters of yore. And so it was during my last hashcapade at Cafe Nell that the idea for this post was born. I was discussing what to do with leftover potato hash with my newest hashcapade tweep, Mark. A quick study, he asked, “What about a pie, a potato hash pot pie?” “Eureka!” I shouted, terrifying the other patrons as I rubbed my hands together like a deranged scientist. “Mark, that’s brilliant! That will be my next post!” And so it is…

Beef Tenderloin Hash Pot Pie

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Trout Hash at Cafe Nell in Portland

Trout Hash, Vegan Hash and Sausage & Sage Hash – have I died and gone to heaven? No, but I’ve found hashcapade heaven-on-earth at Cafe Nell! Neatly tucked away and far from the madding crowd on northwest 23rd, Cafe Nell is simply lovely. Let’s step inside.

Cafe Nell on NW Kearney & NW 20th

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