! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Chipotle Carnitas Hash in Casper, Wyoming

Yes, I speak Nahuatl, the ancient tongue of the Aztecs. Do you? Well of course! You see, the word, chipotle, comes from Nahuatl (as does avocado) and we all deftly pronounce it these days. As for me, chipotle conjures up a vision of rustic, spicy, smoky mystery that is simply amazing in almost any dish. So when my son, Alex, suggested we make Chipotle Carnitas, I was all in! Four hours later, I was expecting a carnitas baby and plotting the perfect use of the abundant carnitas that remained – Chipotle Carnitas Hash.

Chipotle Carnitas Hash with Queso Fresco and Cilantro

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Chorizo Zucchini Hash with Avocado Crema and Tomatillo Sauce

An explosion of chorizo-based hashes are popping up on my Hashcapades twitter feed. Each tweet taunts me with a delicious picture of culinary perfection or the miraculous hangover/jet lag cure that Chorizo hash provides. Well, I can play that game too – Cho-rrrrri-zo hash – Olé!

Chorizo Zucchini Potato Hash with Avocado Crema and Tomatillo Sauce

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Corned Beef Hash & the Mole Baby at Meriwether’s in Portland

Mole baby? As in those blind, digging rat thangs? No! I mean moh-lay, as in Oaxacan mole, the delicious, smoky sauce from Mexico. And I mean bay-bee as in a “baby” that you create from filling your belly with food! Such was the fate of one of our intrepid hashcapade tweeps.

Matt ordered Meriwether’s eye-popping Huevos Rancheros whose foundation is a mole casserole topped with eggs and guacamole. After the meal, he rubbed his distended belly, smiled and pronounced the immaculate conception of his mole baby – priceless!

These Huevos Rancheros created a mole baby!

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Beer-Braised Pork Belly Sweet Potato & Chanterelle Hash

“Psssst! Clark!” Kathy whispered. Before I could respond, she thrust a document into my hands, performed a perfect pirouette and left my cube. Browsing the two-page black & white copy, I could only chuckle as I realized it was a recipe from Bon Appetit for Sweet Potato-Pork Belly Hash. My peeps were feeding my hashcapade obsession!

Beer-Braised Pork Belly, Sweet Potato & Chanterelle Hash

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Pork Loin Hash at Lair Hill Bistro in Portland

Running the streets and paths of Portland has its benefits. I stay fit. I get to see different neighborhoods. But most of all, I get to plot my next hashcapade as the miles roll past and the minutes become hours. And so it was during my 21-mile benchmark run that took me past Lair Hill Bistro on SW 1st. “Say, this is the spot that Charles talked about where the pork loin hash is so amazing. Well shut my mouth and damn my eyes!” I mused to myself as I ran past.

Lair Hill Bistro and a hungry boy...

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