! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Short Rib and Sweet-Potato-Apple Hash at Mission Beach Cafe in San Francisco

A hashcapade – my nearly religious and, at times, quixotic mission to sample and create potato hash – is always an adventure. Getting recommendations (thanks, Sabrina – @thetomatotart), coordinating schedules, and getting there take on a sense of urgency and expectation. Will there be a line? Will it be good? Are the proprietors cool?

And so my adventure began on a particularly gorgeous June morning in the Mission. I strolled from my brother Jeff’s flat and walked right by Mission Dolores…on my way to Mission Beach Cafe. I immediately interpreted this as a divine blessing for my sacred mission! The weather was perfect for a stroll. I had ample time before business meetings. Finally, I had confirmation from other friends that MBC was da bomb. Onward, potato hashing soldier!

Mission Dolores Basilica

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Corned Beef Hash at Lowell’s in Seattle

Iconic. That’s how I’d describe Pike Place Market. Incomparable. That’s how I’d describe a warm sunny day on the Puget Sound. Hashcapade. That’s how I’d want to start the perfect day in Seattle, besides, of course, a decent cup of joe! As luck would have it, I experienced both. Read on, intrepid follower!

A sign of good things to come.
The stall directly across from Lowell’s – Want!

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Wolfgang Puck’s Vaca Frita Beef Hash

Holy Frijoles! You’d think following a recipe for a change would let you coast on auto pilot. You’d day-dream about sun (it’s officially summer in Portland) and listen to The Tallest Man on Earth. But nein! Wolfgang Puck is a taskmaster if his potato hash recipe is any measure of the Mensch!

Vaca Frita with a Tropical Tuber Hash cake with Caramelized Onions

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List of Celebrity Chef Potato Hashes

Ever wonder which celebrity chefs make potato hash? Here’s the start of yet another list you can feast on forever! If you see your favorite chef’s missing, please help me by leaving a comment so I can “Google” him or her!

Happy Hashcapades,

Alton Brown
Corned Beef Hash
Turkey Re-Hash

Michael Chiarello
Potato Hash with Baked Eggs

Cat Cora
Balsamic-Glazed Duck Breast Hash

Bobby Flay
Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash with Poached Eggs with Green Chile Hollandaise
Smoked Salmon Hash with Dill Vinaigrette

Tyler Florence
Bacon and Brussels Sprout Hash
Corned Beef Hash and Poached Eggs with Easy Hollandaise
Salmon Potato Hash
Turkey Hash with Poached Eggs and Hollandaise

Ina Garten
Basil Chicken Hash
Turkey Hash

Emeril Lagasse
BBQ Salmon with Andouille and Potato Hash
Roast Beef Hash with Poached Eggs and Wild Mushroom Sauce on Garlic French Bread
Brussels Sprouts and Bacon Hash
Emeril’s Braised Cabbage with Corned Beef Hash
Chicken Andouille Hash with Poached Eggs and Sauce Piquante
Chicken and Apple Sausage Hash with Fried Eggs Sunny Side Up
Brioches Stuffed with Chicken Hash
Crab and Sweet Potato Hash with Vanilla Sabayon
Smoked Duck Hash with Poached Eggs and Woodland Cream
Emeril’s Potato Hash
Smoked Salmon Hash with Sunny Side Up Eggs
Smoked Trout Hash with Choron Sauce
Roast Turkey and Sweet Potato Hash with Fried Eggs

Nigella Lawson
Bacon and Tomato Hash
Corned Beef Hash
Sweet Potato & Salmon Hash Cakes
Ed’s Victorious Turkey Hash

Sandra Lee
Farmhouse Hash with Pot-Poached Eggs
Corned Beef Hash with Poached Eggs
Chicken Hash with Country Gravy
Pork Hash

Wolfgang Puck
Vaca Frita with a Tropical Tuber Hash Cake and Caramelized Onions

Marcus Samuelsson
Sweer Potato and Lamb Hash


Beef Brisket Hash at Podnah’s Pit in Portland

An old-school salt shaker spattered with BBQ sauce, a Bloody Mary not quite finished, rings of water from condensation on the table, and honey in a squirt bottle tipped over. Surveying the aftermath of what surely was mayhem on an epic scale, I wondered incredulously, “What the hell happened here?!”

Post-Hashcapade Scene at Podnah’s Pit

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