! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Hashcapade at Jam Cafe & Arthouse

This description in Jam’s menu piqued my curiosity: “We slow cook huge briskets of corned beef in beer (yes beer!).” Two of my favorite things combined? In a scrumptious potato hash? Yes, please! So off to SE Hawthorne we drove from the burbs, crossing the “humming” bridge, a.k.a. Hawthorne Bridge, and its steel-grated decks. If you modulate speed correctly, it sounds like “O Canada,” but I digress.

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Sweet Tooth Mushroom Hash and Pork Belly Hash at Hash Restaurant in Portland

After a few false starts – not open on Mondays and being kidnapped by my running posse for breakfast elsewhere – my most eagerly-anticipated Hashcapade finally came to fruition. I’m speaking, of course, about Hash Restaurant, a hidden gem on SE 17th in the Sellwood area of Portland. (Closed in Dec. 2011)

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Catalyst for My Hashcapade Blog

Unless family or friends are about to order a domestic beer, I’m not often catalyzed into the flurry of activity that has possessed me this past week. All it took was one tweet, less than 140 characters, I might add, to catapult me into “action Jackson” mode. (A trebuchet may have been more accurate because the feeling was visceral and medieval, yet exhilarating!)

Simply put, Julia Moskin, a reporter for the Dining section for the New York Times, wrote about potato hash. Her article, “The Humble Plate of Hash Has Nobler Ambitions,” encapsulates in one line the very core of my obsession to see potato hash have its due in the annals of cooking history; to be considered worthy of its own dedicated tome, preferably one I write and publish!

Thus was born this blog, hashcapades, to focus on a culinary tradition mindlessly relegated to breakfast and leftovers. No, this is not to be its legacy, which dates back to at least the 15th century with a Portuguese recipe, Picadinho de Carne de Vaca, or Beef Hash. You see, the legacy of potato hash is being created every day around the world and the article Julia Moskin wrote calls me like a siren song to explore its intricacies and share my interest in the topic, which began in 2007.

You’ll notice that my blog is still thin from those early recipe days and seems to be populated most recently with Hashcapades, adventures to sample potato hash in the amazing restaurant scene that Portland now nurtures. Please be patient. The skeletal structure will be fleshed out, filled in and polished, one post at a time.

I hope you enjoy the ride!

Corned Beef Hash at La Petite Provence in Portland

Yet another Hashcapade at La Petite Provence on Alberta. Their Corned Beef Hash was stunningly yummy with multi-colored peppers, a creamy horseradish sauce and house-cured corned beef. Had I opted for the decadent patisseries in their display cases, I can assure you a food coma of such epic proportions, you would spend the weekend, dazed, but satisfied. Bon appetit!


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