! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Sweet Potato Bacon Hash

Hash. Bacon Hash. Sweet Potato Bacon Hash! Is this some sort of dream? No, it’s not! I am pleased to introduce a guest post from @DevilGirlPDX. She bravely joined our recent food coma-inducing hashcapade at Besaw’s. An avid skier and artist, she set her sights on a delicious culinary adventure of the hash kind. Enjoy! […]


Smoked Salmon Hash Panini

Whoa! I mean, WHOA! Who knew smoked salmon hash and panini were soul mates, like yin and yang or peanut butter and chocolate? The answer is several innovative food carts and foodies across the US. My @Hashcapades twitter feed is an endless source of ideas and entertainment. It was there I discovered versions of smoked salmon […]


Pretty Veggie (Vegetarian) Hash

I see lots of hash photos on my @Hashcapades twitter feed that make me drool…literally! So while I was minding my own business, well, actually nosing around, my expert eye was captivated by a simple veggie hashcapade. To be more specific, a Pretty Veggie Hash from my newest tweep and “East Coast gir,l” Mindy Berger, […]


Corned Beef Hash and other Potato Hashes on Twitter

Tweets about potato hash abound on Twitter – corned beef hash, duck hash, brisket hash, etc. As I curate my @Hashcapades feed, I look for mouth-watering pictures, celebrity connections, new restaurants, recipes and even entertainment. And so, here’s a short collection of some of the tweets that amused me. Thanks for indulging me. Please tell […]


Farmer’s Bacon Hash at Besaw’s in Portland

I’m honored to introduce Mary Rarick, one of my dear friends and the person who introduced me to Twitter! In her “nano-bio” Mary describes herself as “a Twitterholic and foodie who abides in the ‘burbs’ with her family. She can be found hawking books at SMObooks.com or cultivating social media conversations at BcauseMedia.com.” I just […]


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