! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Ham Hash for Boys

What has four thumbs and likes hash? This guy and special guest, Gina Rau! That’s right, Gina and I put the smackdown on some primo ingredients at Chez Clark for our boys. We even enrolled them, albeit briefly, in our kitchen adventure. Happily, I can report all guests and their digits were still attached when they left!

The boys mixing it up.

You may recall Ham Hash and Yurts, a madcap outdoor taste-bud party. As fun as cooking with frozen fingers on an outdoor grill can be, glamping it up in my kitchen was sublime – cozily warm and fully functional. The added bonus was not having water-logged ingredients from a cooler!

Uber tasty ingredients await...

So, with style and flair, Gina and I hashed up Yukon Gold potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, onions, red and green bell peppers in no time. Into the oven at 425°F went the taters and parnsips for 20 minutes whilst the onions and peppers sauteed in the skillet.

Gina has mad knife skills.
Taters and Nips
Ham and Sage

The boys peered into the oven and decided all that starch required more appetite enhancement, i.e. video games! So onward Gina and I slaved, slicing ham and sampling different herb combos. We quickly settled on ham & fresh sage as the right pairing after a series of double-blind taste tests on the boys…NOT! (They were still playing games)

Stir Ham Hash

Undeterred, we staged the cooked ingredients in bowls and pressed the boys into service to be hash mix-ologists. Dollops of créme frâiche and dijon mustard along with chopped sage, salt and pepper were folded in – voila! Time for the ultimate test: would the boys like our hash or demand Annie’s Mac N Cheese?

Ham HashHash attack!

At approximately Oh-Don’t-Thirty, the hash assault began. Connor and Patrick, forks poised for maximum comestible damage, attacked with the fury and mayhem of whirling dervishes. Poor hash, it didn’t have a prayer…

Special thanks to Gina Rau for helping make this hashcapade delightful and fun!

Happy Hashcapades,

For Recipe, see Ham Hash for Yurts. Sub out half a potato for a parsnip. Add a tablespoon or so of chopped fresh sage.

2 Responses to “Ham Hash for Boys”

  1. Gina Rau

    I love the way you tell the story of hashcapades with our sons! It was really a lot of fun and Patrick loved the meal – we need more hash, apparently! I agree. One can never have enough!

    Thanks again for hosting, Clark! Can’t wait to do it again.

    • Clark Haass

      Thanks, Gina, it was my pleasure. Every time I see the “hash attack” photo, it cracks me up! Let’s cook up another story, shall we?

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