! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Tempeh and Sweet Potato Coconut Curry Hash

Tempeh. Who knew it was so delicious? Well, not this guy until last night, which seems like a minor criminal offense for a foodie! My inspiration came from Katie Lee’s tweet proclaiming, “It’s a tempeh Tuesday at my house tonight….making a Tempeh Teriyaki Stir-Fry….yummmmm.” Indeed. What about a Tempeh Tuesday Hashcapade at Chez Clark?

Tempeh & Sweet Potato Coconut Curry Hash

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Corn Hash AND Zucchini Hash at Yolk in Portland: Manifest Hashcapade

For the hash obsessed, it doesn’t get much better than this: Don Kotler, owner of Toast, launched a food cart, Yolk. Wait. It gets better…they serve potato hash every day – HUZZAH! My faithful tweep, Lyndsey McBride, invited me to the pre-opening festivities and, like MacArthur, I vowed, “I shall return.”

A few weeks later, @Toast_PDX let me know that Bacon Hash was on the menu. Since I had already experienced a lovely hashcapade at Toast, I knew this was fate calling me to honor my vow. “Clark. Manifest Destiny. It’s time to return to Yolk,” thundered fate. (It wasn’t loud nor in stereo because my left ear was plugged, but that’s another story.)

Yolk food cart - located at SE Woodstock and SE 48th

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Polenta Hash with Pancetta at Accanto in Portland: A Hashcapade to Remember

“Sept 11th, 10AM at Accanto for a #hashcapade. In?” That’s how I sent out the invite to my tweeps, purposely avoiding “9/11”. Would that somehow make it less serious? Would we ignore the proverbial elephant in the room? I wasn’t sure, but I was thrilled to welcome new hashcapaders to the fold and check out Accanto.

Accanto on  the corner of SE Belmont and SE 29th

Bobby Flay’s Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash

Portlandia, we have a problem…it’s too bloody hot!!! Running? Forget it, already did Leg 12 of Hood to Coast in 90-degree heat – color me toast. Cooking? Forget it, my kitchen is not slated to become the inner circle of hell, thank you very much. Hashcapade? See prior comment.

Wait a minute. Begin free association: Hot? Grill. Heat? Spicy. Chef? Bobby Flay. Yusss! (Imagine spirited cavorting and general silliness, which is a form of constant self-amusement for me.) Now all I need to do is pick one of Bobby’s potato hash recipes from my List of Celebrity Chef Hashes…ah, Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash!

Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash with Green Chile Hollandaise at Chez Clark

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Mushroom and Smoked Trout Hash at Circa 33 in Portland: HSI – Flash Hashcapade

The tip came in from the Hashcapade Scene Investigator (HSI) computer lab. The crew had uncovered a disturbing facebook post: a “flash hashcapade” was in the works – but where?. I cursed under my breath as I hung up the phone and wondered aloud, “How do I stop this madness?!” Just then, a text alerted me to breaking news: “Circa 33, hurry!!!”

When I arrived, I knew it was too late. The waitress led me to the back patio where I found the table in disarray, toast halves in the coffee cup, butter pats scattered around like a deck of cards, knocked over glasses and a receipt with SOS scrawled on it. For having witnessed the entire episode, she was oddly calm as she smiled and offered, “They paid their bill and tipped me.”

The hashcapade scene…disturbing…SOS receipt…what the hell?!?!

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