! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Oyster Mushroom Hash at The Mark Restaurant

PLAY. “Custom hash menu for you, sir?” inquired Heather. “Pinch me, ’cause I’ve died and gone to heaven!” I shouted as I danced on the table and knocked a glass over. “Sweetie, you’re scaring the customers,” Heather cautioned as she skillfully guided me to my chair. “Now, you all aren’t gonna be any trouble, are you?” I looked over at Libia and crew, but it was too late… the wild rumpus had begun…

Delicious Oyster Mushroom Hash – omnomnom!

FAST REWIND. A clutch of tweeps (I think that’s correct) met at The Mark for a tweetup. I was introduced to Ruth and the seeds were sown for a future hashcapade there. Fast forward several months and our brilliant minds hatched plans for an epic hashcapade. The Mark would create a custom hash menu and I would debut my new video, Think Outside the Can.

Think Outside the Can – do it!

FAST FORWARD. Mayhem. I was minding my own business when the “Nick” side of the table erupted in fits of laughter….”Libia – ha ha ha ha,” chortled Lars, whose laugh is insanely infectious. Eyes were crying, fists were pounding the table, coffee was expelled out nostrils like a fire hose at a 4-alarm fire! Of course, I was clueless. Heather discreetly pulled me aside and asked “Is your friend here gonna pipe down or do I gotta fetch the sheriff?” “No, ma’am,” I replied in a reassuring voice. “She just done got body parts on her mind.”

Executive Chef Elden with the goods!

REWIND. Before the hashcapade started, Elden met me at the entrance to the kitchen and revealed his two hash creations. First up, an Oyster Mushroom Hash with Yukon Gold Potatoes, Roasted Red Pepper, Onions, Fresh Herbs with a Mushroom Glaze. Second,a Braised Beef Hash with Yukon Gold Potatoes, Peperonata, Poblano Chile, Onion, Cilantro with a Lime Crème Fraîche Sauce. Wow – something for everybody – vegetarian or not!!! Enthusiastic thumbs up from everybody – great flavor, perfect portion, food coma – well done, Elden!

A cornucopia of hash goodness – Braised Beef Hash

PLAY. The video went off without a hitch in an upstairs conference room. We huddled around a laptop with external speakers to unveil the video. My favorite moment, besides watching the smiles on my guests’ faces, was Mary‘s knowing grin when I asked her to come up and join me. She’s an amazing networker, cheerleader, marketeer and social media wizard and I couldn’t have done it without her!

Don, Lars, and Dave before mayhem…

FORWARD. “So Lidia. How do you pronounce Gemsbok?” I asked, curious about her recent guest hashcapade post on this blog. She took a sip of her Virgin Bloody Mary and said, “Hhhemsbach.” Nick interrupted, “Libia! Your drink needs some sass!” He stood up with his minibar drink holster and insisted on defiling Lidia’s drink with Vodka. Kristin ninja-kicked the mini bottle out of his hand. Heather rushed over, “Sweetie, ain’t no fixing allowed.”

Yours truly and Ruth, who helped set this up – thanks!

STOP. The best adventures involve twists and turns and made up names, which makes the journey that much more memorable! I’m extremely grateful to my video debut hashcapade crew – Lisa, Dana, Tony, Jen, Dawn, Ryan, Cory, Mary, Dave, Lidia, Alina, Nick, Kristin, Lars and Don. And to Ruth, Elden, Heather, Chris and Robertito  – thank you for taking on the challenge of keeping us in check!

Happy Hashcapades,


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