! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Corned Beef Hash at John’s Place in Victoria BC

Running on empty won’t get you across the finish line of a marathon. You need to carbo-load and you need to hydrate. Most importantly, you need a strategic hashcapade at John’s Place in Victoria BC! Why Victoria, you wonder? Well, a crew of running peeps from Portland and I high-tailed it to Canada for the Victoria Marathon.


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