! Hashcapades

Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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red flannel hash

Red Flannel Hash at Serpentine in San Francisco

Sabbatical. Yep, I’m in the midst of mine, but I’ve been busy getting my cookbook ready to publish. Inches from my goal, San Francisco seemed like the perfect location from which to launch an epic 6-day, 5-restaurant hashcapade blitz! But which restaurant would trigger my latest hash feeding frenzy? A classic old-school diner? Something high-end […]


Corned Beef Hash at Orange Table

What? Expecting a fancy photo of potato hash? Fughgeddaboudit! I officially declare complete and total hash victory. That’s right – Orange Table sets a new standard for an old favorite, corned beef hash, with southwest machismo and flare – olé! Tucked away in Scottsdale Mall in Old Town, Orange Table is worth the drive from just about anywhere in […]


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